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Welcome to FENLAKE

Here at Fenlake we do things differently.

Very different.

Take for example our ceramic session. We dont just plonk some air dry clay on the table, We have a huge 1,500l kiln which needs filling and firing.

We sit together planning ideas, we then make the products, glaze the products and sell the products. Incorperating your creative mind, your clay making abilities and the knowledge of pricing and dealing with customers. We call this Enterprise!

Within this bracket sits our Catering session, at Fenlake we are fortunate to have an industrial sized kitchen, which we use to our advantage.

Every morning those in the session will take lunch orders from staff and individuals across both Peterborough sites.

We serve people as if we were a café, taking the orders, working out the money and then making those orders from start to finish, again, mixing your culinary skills, maths skills, organisational skills and ultimately, life skills.

Our music session, isn’t giving someone a tambourine whilst sitting in a circle. In this session we look through the genres of music, looking at what we like and what we don't, we then use our creative minds to write our own song in the style of those genres, with the ultimate goal of recording our very own hit record.

We believe it’s important that everyone has a voice, so we created our weekly Podcast session, giving our individuals a platform to be heard.

We discuss current topics along with random questions which makes for a fun and entertaining listen. Good job, given that each episode is uploaded onto Spotify for the world to listen.

When it comes to Performing Arts, we go that extra mile.

Each year our group perform a huge end of year show in front of their peers and their families. The performance itself is written from scratch in house and never disappoints.

Our investment in this area has seen us create a stunning theatre within our centre which now sits alongside our Dance Studio providing an incredible environment for imagination.

This year our show will be an evening performance at The Key Theatre, which is something EVERYONE is looking forward to.
The above gives you a flavour of what a day at Fenlake is really like, but we don’t stop there.

We are big believers in social interaction and community involvement, so much so that we created our annual residential!

This was born off the back of listening to what our individuals want. Like us, they want to let their hair down and to spend social time with their peers, so we made that happen.

2024 saw us open with a 4 day trip to Butlin’s, where the guys partied like it was 1999! There was laughter, smiles, and some beautiful interaction, which generated memories that will last a lifetime.

2025's residential to Kingswood is already booked up, which shows the popularity of this event.

Talking of social involvement, each year all three of our sites come together. In the summer our Wisbech site holds ‘Glastonbech’ a fancy dress summer garden party with no expense spared, live performances, bouncy castle, lots of food and drink.... A real beautiful day seeing everyone come together.

Our Spring sports day is another event we do as a whole, it’s an opportunity to express ourselves through sport whilst actively promoting team work.

Our third event comes in Winter as we are treated to the prom! An opportunity for the guys to get dressed up and enjoy an afternoon of dancing and celebrating the year that’s been.

This event is held off site and is a lovely way to end the year.

Fenlake is our little world of pure imagination, a place where learning is fun and social boundaries are pushed.

The Helping Hands Group mantra is to promote independence and build life skills, as it stands we have been fortunate enough to support over 140 individuals and their families since opening our doors in 2011, something we are extremely proud of.

We look forward to welcoming you to Fenlake.

The Helping Hands Group
30 Fenlake

Telephone: 01733 890771


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